Canadian writer and editor living in Britain.

I moved to Tokyo shortly after graduating from university, and like so many, I worked as an English teacher first. After realising that it wasn't the life for me, I found work as a writer and editor for a Japanese publishing company, and, around the same time, became the arts editor for an English-language magazine. After fifteen years in Japan, my wife's more lucrative career took us to Hong Kong, where we lived in a tiny apartment on the side its vertiginous Peak, and I spent my mornings jogging up the impossible slope and gazing out over the bay to catch my breath. I started (and later finished) my master's degree in creative writing, and worked scripting monthly audio-dramas for the same Japanese company I worked at before.

Today, I live in London. I'm still finding my feet here — exploring Britain and the rest of Europe, and writing furiously.

I have a speculative-fiction novel in its final edits, plenty of published and unpublished short stories, a handful of poetry awards, and a play that had a small but successful community production in 2023. I love the stage, contemporary art, not-so-contemporary art, photography, science fiction, literature, architecture, social sciences and history. Don't tell my high-school history teacher about that last one. He'd never believe you.

Medium member since August 2023
Friend of Medium since June 2024
Owen Schaefer

Owen Schaefer

Friend of Medium

Born in a hollow log and raised by wolves. Now writing about the arts, culture, travel and the world. Fiction may occur. Best served neat with a drop of water.