Owen Schaefer
Jun 8, 2024


Brilliant. And a pet frustration of mine, as well.

I've actually checked, and I read roughly half-and-half when it comes to fiction. Not through some deliberate effort to be a good little progressive — just because I read what looks interesting. So every time I'm faced with these kinds of numbers in an article, I almost want to deny it could be true. I just find it so ... unreal. Why would anyone limit themselves like that? Why miss out on so many stories by so many brilliant writers because they aren't the same gender as you? It boggles the mind.

And when someone asks my favourite book ever, I usually answer The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy, although lately Everything Under by Daisy Johnson has been edging toward the top.



Owen Schaefer

Writer, editor, poet, playwright. Your uncle's next-door neighbour. No, the one on the other side.