
(Fiction) Unbridged

A 100-word flash fiction

Owen Schaefer
1 min readMar 23, 2024


Bird’s eye view of dark storm-clouds over Hong Kong skyscrapers, with the bay lit by a sliver of sunlight.
Hong Kong. Image by Author, © 2015 Owen Schaefer

The street had become a gulf of typhoon water, waist deep. Uncrossable. I didn’t see the old woman slip in. I only saw her climb out half a block upstream from me, one shoe lost, her red handbag floating past my feet. I reached and caught it. She shouted something in angry Cantonese, pointing. Three years, and I still couldn’t understand. Could…



Owen Schaefer

Born in a hollow log and raised by wolves. Now writing about the arts, culture, travel and the world. Fiction may occur. Best served neat with a drop of water.